TrancyTrancy not only provides bilingual subtitles support for platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Udemy, Disney+, TED, edX, Kehan, Coursera, but also offers AI word/sentence translation and immersive translation for regular web pages. It is a true all-in-one language learning assistant.
Elements of AILearn more about MinnaLearn's and the University of Helsinki's AI course - no programming or complicated math required.
飞桨AI Studio飞桨星河社区是面向AI学习者的人工智能学习与实训社区。飞桨星河社区集成了丰富的免费AI课程,大模型社区及模型应用,深度学习样例项目,各领域经典数据集,云端超强GPU算力及存储资源,更有新手练习赛、精英算法大赛等你参与。