司马诸葛司马诸葛是一个基于自研文档智能大模型(DocMind)+大语言模型技术的企业级AI数字员工平台(AI Agent),企业无需复杂设置,通过企业知识文档,就可训练专属AI数字员工,7*24小时在线解决企业内外部知识问答、专业文档分析、内容再创作等工作任务,并可轻松将AI数字员工接入微信客服、企业微信、飞书、钉钉等平台场景,助力企业十倍速降本增效。
Formula BotAI-powered formula generation for Excel & more, data preparation & data analysis combined into one tool.
SheetGodUnlimited signatures, templates, forms, and team members. One fixed price. No extra charges, ever.
RowsDiscover Rows, the easiest way to import, transform and share data on a spreadsheet. Build live data report connected to your sources and automate data analysis with AI.
可灵AIKLING AI, tools for creating imaginative images and videos, based on state-of-art generative AI methods.