匡优 AI匡优 AI 出题是一款利用人工智能帮助用户根据需求生成试题的网站。我们提供两种模式:模板出题和资料出题。模板出题内置了约 30 多套模板,涵盖数学、语文、英语等基础教育学科,也支持自定义自识点出题;资料出题可以根据用户上传的 Word 文档内容生成试题,帮助教师和学生高效备考。支持生成常用题型,一次可生成超100 题。
PDF.aiWe built the ultimate ChatPDF app that allows you to chat with any PDF: ask questions, get summaries, find anything you need!
Craft AI AssistantCreate documents, which will make an impact. Try Craft for free both for personal and business/teams use cases.
Super AIAutomate business processes end-to-end with guaranteed results using super.AI Intelligent Document Processing (IDP). Quickly extract data from complex documents using the latest AI models.