PlandexAn open source, terminal-based AI coding engine. Designed for real-world tasks that span many files.
CodiumAIQodo (formerly CodiumAI) offers quality-first AI tools for developers to write, test, and review code directly within their IDE and Git.
Big Model大模型开放平台-新一代国产自主通用AI开放平台,致力于将产品技术与行业场景双轮驱动的中国先进的认知智能技术和千行百业应用相结合,构建更高精度、高效率、通用化的AI开发新模式,实现智谱大模型的产业化,将AI的好处带给每个人。
TabbyTabby is a self-hosted AI coding assistant, offering an open-source and on-premises alternative to GitHub Copilot